Big Data

Wiki contribution to Big Data:

Big data refers to large amounts of data that are collected, stored, processed and analysed using specific methods. It is impossible to imagine the economy and society without data; it is obtained from people’s activities on the Internet and via mobile phones, it is the basis for activities on the financial markets, relevant in the energy industry, health care and transport; they are covered by the use of credit and customer cards, surveillance cameras, airplanes and vehicles, chatting via WhatsApp, postings on Facebook (or any other provider), the use of assistive devices such as Alexa or Siri, the use of fitness wristwatches and soon the use of “intelligent refrigerators”, the “intelligent”, smart table lamp, face recognition at train stations, body scanning at airports, “social scoring” and so on. and so on.

Data represent a significant economic factor and growth engine. The generation and use of data on a large scale also raises questions about the political control of developments: Who has access to the data? How can abuse of data be prevented, how can transparency be ensured? How can it be prevented that data is withdrawn from social, democratic control, for example by handing it over to secret services? Attempts to regulate the generation and use of data to protect personal rights are formulated in data protection regulations.

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