Games and exercises with LEGO

See all in one pdf file

CORE CAPABILITIES –  Linguistic communication.

–  Social and civic competences.

–  Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

OBJECTIVES – Introduction to AI in education and work
OBJECTIVE GROUP – Disadvantaged students
DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY – Introduction to artificial intelligence in the educational and work environment

In this session the concept of artificial intelligence and the impact it currently has on society will be introduced. Audiovisual material will be visualized with real examples of the application of educational robotics. Proposing a construction of some free application by previously formed groups.

–  Tutorial video: Educational robotics

–  Brainstorming. We will work on our ideas and proposals with the famous LEGO game, to help us understand and apply our ideas with the target group students. The “applications” will be made

using the pieces of this famous game.

ACTIVITY DURATION 45′ to a maximum of 90′.


CORE CAPABILITIES –  Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

–  Digital competence

–  Learning to learn

OBJECTIVES – Building an application
OBJECTIVE GROUP – Disadvantaged students
DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY –  In this session a digital model composed of electronic devices (Smartphones, tablets, laptops) will be introduced in which the participants will discover the usefulness of the different parts; designing and building the proposed system.

–  Explanatory video: Become familiar with the new electronic devices that we use daily in our environment

–  After the video, each group previously formed and with a clear idea of the proposal they want to make, the final structure (idea) will be designed and presented to the rest of the group. With this exercise we want students to develop their full potential when designing and building with new technologies. We will use the LEGO parts as similarities to the applications we want to create

ACTIVITY DURATION 45′ to a maximum of 90′.