Immersion in the “Digital-Labor” world

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Discover “Digital Tools”
CORE CAPABILITIES –  Linguistic communication.

–  Social and civic competences.

–  Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

–  Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

–  Digital competence

–  Learning to learn

OBJECTIVES – Building a resume
OBJECTIVE GROUP – Disadvantaged students
DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY –  The participants, once assimilated the usefulness of the new technologies, will undertake the realization of a curricular model that introduces them directly into the digital world. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of the “digitalization of the world of work”

–  The participants, once assimilated the utility of the new technologies, will continue the realization of a curricular model that introduces them directly into the digital world. Once finished, the adults with social disadvantage, will learn that with a single click, and from home, the digital world and new technologies open their doors for them.

–  Video Tutorial: Online Curriculum “The shift from paper to digital”

–  Using the electronic devices we have at our disposal, we will have to create an online Curriculum Vitae, looking for the resources through our smartphones, computers and tablets.

ACTIVITY DURATION 45′ to a maximum of 90′.


Launch “Digital use”
CORE CAPABILITIES –  Linguistic communication.

–  Social and civic competences.

–  Digital competence

OBJECTIVES – Active job search
OBJECTIVE GROUP – Disadvantaged students
DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY –  Active search for employment through the electronic mechanisms learned.

The participants will learn to program the different parts of their model. They will actively seek a job through mobile, tablet, laptops, etc., “Learn – Doing”. They will capture the work developed in a poster for its subsequent presentation in public.

–  Video tutorial: Online job search

–  Once the previous sessions have been carried out, the active search for work will proceed. To do this, using new technologies, we will identify the most famous or most appropriate portals for our objective, and proceed to send our curriculum to be selected as part of them.

ACTIVITY DURATION 45′ to a maximum of 90′.